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Weekly Apple Mac Repair Requests Week 4


Apple Upgrade, Repair support expert South Africa ZA Support

Weekly Apple Mac Repair Requests. Week 4 Part 3. Updated 2023


Good day ZA Support Readers


In Part 3 I want to discuss the importance of having your Mac serviced at least twice a year.

Many of our repairs could have been avoided as dust and hair can clog up fans and logic boards.

Another benefit is that you can decide when it is a good time for you and not when it breaks down in the middle of deadlines that have to be met.


What is covered under a Health Check or Service?

1. Hacking/identify theft prevention checks




Trojan horses

Hidden aliases


Cybersecurity checks


2. Software performance enhancements

Identification of programs slowing the Mac down.

Removal of unnecessary programs

Identification of suspect 3rd party applications

Operating system optimization


Root directory verification

Subfolder verification


3. Hardware performance enhancement

General check on

Logic Board

LCD display

Trackpad and Keyboard

Storage space

Power ports





 4.  Internal  Hardware Service

Cleaning of fans

Cleaning of heat resistors

Cleaning of USB Ports


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(+27) 083 656 8992

(+27) 079 053 9964

22 North Road, Dunkeld West, Johannesburg

Monday-Friday: 6am – 6pm
Saturday: 9am – 1pm
Sunday: Closed

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