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Spilt water on MacBook Pro or MacBook Air in South Africa?

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This is the stuff nightmares are made of. Thinking about it can make you queasy. However accidents do happen so it is important to know what Apple technical support you need if you find yourself spilling liquid on a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air.

In this article the South African Apple support experts will explain what steps you can try in the event you do spill liquid or water on a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air in South Africa. It will also provide some Apple technical support in what not to do!

Step: 1 Remove any power sources from the liquid damaged MacBook Pro or MacBook Air

When electricity and water are exposed to each other it poses a serious problem for anyone in need of Apple technical support in South Africa. That is why you remove all the power sources to the liquid damaged MacBook Pro or MacBook Air. This includes the power supply and battery (where possible to remove).

Step: 2 Allow the liquid damaged MacBook Pro or MacBook Air to dry out

It sounds bizarre but sometimes liquid damaged MacBook Pro’s and MacBook Air’s are able to dry out. The Apple support experts recommend putting the machine in a box filled with dry rice and in a room with much light and little humidity. (Be careful with the rice, you don’t want that to accompany the water into the machine!)

Step: 3 Give the water damaged MacBook Pro or MacBook Air time to dry out. (Like 72 hours kind of time)

Do not try and turn the machine on within 5 minutes. When dealing with a water or liquid damaged Mac you need to allow sufficient time for the Liquid damaged MacBook Pro or MacBook Air to dry. The longer you leave it sometimes the better the result…

Step: 4 The ZA Support Apple support experts recommend not opening the liquid damaged MacBook Pro or MacBook Air.

Special materials are needed to sometimes clean the machine out. By opening the machine you run the risk of it being permanently damaged. Not cool.

Step: 5 Say bye bye to the warrantee on the liquid damaged MacBook Air or MacBook Pro

In most Mac’s the manufacturers have special litmus tests positioned to test for any kind of liquid damage. Even if your Mac is new it is not going to be possible to get Apple to replace a logic board with liquid damage on for free.. It is “user error” as insurers would put it.


If you find that the machine does turn on however it doesn’t operate properly the damage may already be done. In this case we would recommend booking the machine in with ZA Support as soon as possible to identify exactly what is wrong and if it can be fixed.

Liquid damage on a MacBook Pro or Macbook Air is liquid damage. It doesn’t matter what kind of liquid. Even if you think as Mac has enough personality to enjoy a good beer – they are always sober.

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Apple water damage South Africa, MacBook Pro water damage South Africa, MacBook Air water damage South Africa, MacBook Pro liquid damage South Africa, MacBook Air liquid damage South Africa, Spilled liquid on MacBook Pro South Africa M

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Apple water damage South Africa, MacBook Pro water damage South Africa, MacBook Air water damage South Africa, MacBook Pro liquid damage South Africa, MacBook Air liquid damage South Africa, Spilled liquid on MacBook Pro South Africa copy

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