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Review of the new Apple Big Sur operating system Part-1 Updated 2022

Apple is releasing Big Sur which is the latest version of the operating system. We are going to explore what some of the new features and benefits are in a two-part series. 

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Warning! Please read further to take note of a few Big Sur concerns. 

macOS Big Sur desktop  

– Clearer app designs

– New type of dock

– Updated notification centre

Apple has included muted colours and higher sidebars which will assist to focus on the task at hand with minimal clutter.

The new control centre will provide notifications from your favourite apps. Some apps will have a new interactive feature. For instance, you can view your calendar and make changes directly from the desktop notification centre without having to open the calendar app!

macOS Big Sur security features

macOS Big Sur security features

– New Safari web browser password hack alert

– Instant web page previews

– Translate 7 languages in one click

Safari on macOS Big Sur has undergone some significant security, design and web page language translation upgrades.

One new feature is an alert when Safari suspects your saved passwords have been compromised. There is no confirmation yet if Safari will alert you if any password has been compromised across all browsers which might mean changing your Chrome or Firefox browser to Safari on Big Sur.

Instant page views allow you to preview a page without actually having to go into the tab. If this feature supports live activity on the web page it will be a game-changer for people who multitask on many web pages.

Google Translate has been the king of web page translation thus far. It will be interesting to see what degree Safari will translate pages however, it beats having multiple plug-ins.

macOS Big Sur indoor maps!

– View indoor maps of airports & shopping malls

– 3D virtual views of cities and landmark sites

The new macOS Big Sur supports indoor maps of landmark sites. This means that you can now plan your shopping trips, even airport navigation! This is a very powerful feature that will save significant amounts and time and effort when moving through spaces you aren’t used to.

3D immersive experiences across cities will also be available. This allows you to view the outside of a building from a 3D perspective. Besides being a phenomenal new experience, it will also make finding an unfamiliar location faster.

macOS Big Sur concerns


Please enquire with us first before upgrading to Big Sur. While it is still being confirmed, Apple has chosen to firmware lock some of their new machines including the new August 2020 iMac. 

This means that any hardware which is not factory fitted at the time of purchase may not work after upgrading to Big Sur* 

This marks a significant change in Apple’s hardware and software strategy. It essentially forces a consumer to make certain buying decisions upfront, and not allowing for upgrades at a later stage.

*Please enquire about exceptions

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