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Apple Technical Support South Africa for SSD’s


Apple solid state hard drive upgrades South Africa, Apple solid state hard drive MacBook Pro South Africa, MacBook Pro solid state hard drive South Africa

Apple technical support in South Africa for SSD'S

Apple technical support in South Africa for SSD (Solid State Hard drive) fitments. Before we delve into the interesting things that one can do with Mac SSD drive upgrades it is important to understand from an Apple technical support perspective what the SSD does. And beyond the Apple technical support level how it will benefits you!

From a recent survey we noticed there was a limited amount of quality information around Apple technical support for SSD’s in South Africa – we thought we would change that.

How it works

First let’s understand what an Apple Solid State Drive is. Solid State technology essentially works on the principals of flash technology (Similar to that of a flash stick or iPhone). It is has no moving parts as opposed to Apple hard drives which do have moving parts. One of the major differences in the two technologies is the required level of Apple technical Support required. With conventional Apple hard drives they may be prone to failure because they have moving components as opposed to Apple Solid State hard drives that require virtually no Apple Mac support since it is solid.

3 key advantages

1. Apple’s Solid State hard drive is instant. So when a normal hard drive is starting up a flash drive is already active. That is why the Macbook Pro Retina’s and Macbook Air’s have almost instant turn on times. The time it takes for your Mac to retrieve information from a standard Apple hard drive compared with that of an Apple solid state upgrade are incomparable – solid state wins hands down.


2. Dual hard drives. ZA Support stocks a specialised bracket that enables one to remove the Apple optical drive and upgrade it with another Apple Solid State hard drive. Simply put you can have two Apple hard drives or Apple Solid State drives in one machine. One can be for large data storage which would most likely be a standard Apple hard drive (Like a 1TB or 2TB) and the other can be your lightning fast Apple Solid State hard drive upgrade. To view additional upgrades ZA Support is capable of performing click here.


3. Speed. If your Mac machine has been running slowly and you are wondering what you can do, putting in an Apple Solid State drive can increase performance substantially. Your operating system with your apps will also run on the Apple Solid State hard drive so you will be able to open and work within your user profile even faster. Whether you are rendering a large video file or simply working on an Excel macros file you will notice a big difference. From a longevity perspective this is great because you don’t have to buy a new machine to get better Apple performance from your current Mac.


How big should I go?

The next question is how much space do you need on your Apple Solid State hard drive upgrade? That all depends on how you want the machine to operate.  For instance if you just want to have your applications on the Apple Solid State hard drive and you are storing your large files on the second Apple hard drive then you will not need nearly as much space on the Apple Solid State hard drive upgrade. Whereas if you want everything from your current hard drive on the Apple Solid State hard drive upgrade your capacity requirement is much greater. To get more Apple technical support in South Africa for SSD’s click here.

How long?

Depending on how much data you have and what you want done on your Apple Mac solid state hard drive upgrade will determine the time. Remembering that ZA Support has some of the fastest industry lead times so you usually never have to wait too long to get your Apple technical support in South Africa! To get professional Apple technical advise regarding your requirements and time thereof to perform the Mac upgrade click here.



Apple solid state hard drive upgrades South Africa, Apple solid state hard drive MacBook Pro South Africa, MacBook Pro solid state hard drive South Africa, Apple technical support South Africa, ZA Support


Apple data recovery South Africa

  1. Apple data recovery plays a big role when looking at Apple technical Support in South Africa. Due to the nature of normal Apple hard drives they will eventually fail. As with most of us back up’s are a swear word means all that data you had on your Apple hard drive now needs Apple Data recovery. This can be time consuming and expensive when the damage is bad. It is not to say that Apple Solid state hard drives don’t fail, however it is not as common for them to bail on you compared with the normal Apple hard drives. This also means you save when it comes to Apple technical support in South Africa.


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ZA Support, Apple solid state hard drive upgrades South Africa, Apple solid state hard drive MacBook Pro South Africa, MacBook Pro solid state hard drive South Africa