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Have you lost your data on your Mac? Top tips to get your Apple Mac Data recovered

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Have you lost your data on your Mac? Top tips to get your Apple Mac Data recovered

One thing that ZA Support firmly advocates is that you perform regular backups on your Apple Mac. There is nothing worse than finding out your Apple Mac’s hard drive has failed and your data has been lost, or an error has resulted in all your information going missing. However, if you have not done a backup in a while there are ways to recover your data, which we will discuss in this blog.

Data Recovery

The most important thing to note is that if you even suspect that your Apple hard drive is failing or that you may need Apple data recovery TURN YOUR MAC OFF IMMEDIATELY. By restarting it repeatedly the risk of additional data being lost increases significantly.

Now that you know how to do a back up, we will explore what to do if you haven’t done a backup. You may be able to recover your data, as long as don’t write anything in the interim. Any new data would rewrite your inaccessible data and erase it forever.

Data recovery on your failed Mac hard drive is often a sensitive process that would be better left to experts but, if you want to try to do it yourself we have some tips.

7 Reasons you may need data recovery

  1. Accidental data deletion due to emptying of Trash on your Mac
  2. Erasing the drive while resizing or formatting partitions
  3. Logical disk failure making data inaccessible
  4. Damage to the Mac hard drive partition table leading to missing partitions
  5. Data corruption on your Mac hard drive due to bad sectors on the hard drive
  6. Malware infection (Rare on Macs)
  7. Hard Drive failure on the Mac due to power surges or abrupt system termination

What to do

Boot up in Target Disk Mode

If the drive has failed and won’t mount at all, it probably won’t work in Target Disk Mode. But you can try it. First, try booting the computer from the Mac OS X install disk, choose Disk Utility from the menu, and if Disk Utility can see the hard drive, run a disk repair and see if that will get the drive going. If you are unsure how to do this please contact ZA Support! ZA Support Contact Us

Buy a new Apple hard drive

  • Your ability to recover data on your Mac will depend on the extent of the damage to the hard drive and what sections have failed.
  • A failed hard drive will not be readable at all, get our Apple Mac data recovery expert team to assist you in getting your lost Mac data back. ZA Support will read what we can off the platters of the hard drive with specialised equipment. (Contact ZA Support if you are in South Africa, for assistance) ZA Support Contact Us

Get Expert Apple Advice

ZA Support data recovery team is highly experienced in recovery damaged and lost data on Apple Macs. With 95% of recoveries being successful we have the skills and knowledge to recover almost all data.

At ZA Support our Apple experts will:

Diagnose to what extent the crashed Apple hard drive damage is damaged and assess what type of data recovery is required (as Apple data recovery is highly specialised there are specific and tried methods for getting data off damaged Apple hard drives).

Once a preferred method for performing the Apple data recovery has been identified the data recovery process begins ensuring all possible technical measures are followed ensuring as much of the data is recovered as possible.

Apple data recovery is often a time consuming exercise so sometimes it can take a little time get the data off the damaged Mac hard drive. However, ZA Support has refined methods over years of data recovery experience to get quality data off as fast as possible.

If an Apple hard drive has failed and reached this point, it must be replaced. At this point a comprehensive set of options will analysed by ZA Support’s Apple Experts and provided to you.

Most of the time Apple data recovery can be done within 2 days including the time it takes to install the new hard drive or Apple Mac SSD upgrade and transfer the data across.

Check out ZA Support’s other Apple upgrades, maintenance and support offerings. ZA Support Apple upgrades