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How to get Apple Support in South Africa

“How Apple support in South Africa is experiencing an explosion of market leading solutions”


Since the early part of 2007 the Apple brand has been growing with strong momentum in South Africa. It really all started with the first iPods and iPhones and of course the iPad. Some of you may remember that the first iPhone was actually banned..! However this started a revolution that was to be the beginning of truly amazing journey for Apple in South Africa.


Did you ever notice how someone would start off with an iPod? A Dad, brother or friend would come in blazing telling you how cool it was that 10,000 songs could sit on one device. However when you responded saying “great – now get a Mac” it was as if you mentioned a swear word at a Christmas lunch. Then they would be enticed by the iPhone only to find they needed an iPad because the business Apps they wanted were only available for iPad…

As you can imagine this paradigm shift in thinking started to change the way people viewed Apple products in South Africa. From being a product only people who went overseas could get, to something that was as desirable as the latest BMW in the space of a few years. Now Apple is a household name used by everyone.

Did you know that Apple Mac Computer sales have been increasing over the past 3 years compared with rapidly declining PC sales? More and more “light” Apple users just using iPhones and iPads whether they are Individuals, SME’s or Enterprises are moving toward having a full Apple Mac set up including the Mac Computer as their primary computing device…

This leads to another more obvious question around how is one going get the Apple support they need not just in Johannesburg but in South Africa?

For most people it is imperative to have excellent Apple Mac services and support from the time you purchase to the time you decide to upgrade or buy another. Even though this is of such importance it is often overlooked when choosing your next device. Our view of support has always started with values. What is it that makes you value your device?

You are clearly loyal to the brand so you value integrity, you appreciate quality hence you pay a premium and you can handle the I.T department consistently telling you it is not part of their policy to assist you!

With this in mind ZA Support took a view that every Apple Mac user in South Africa should have access to world-class Mac support and services.

Facilities such as the ZA Support Concierge service offering certified Apple support 24/7 anywhere in the world with exclusive deals, offers and customised experiences for members only. Our no queue policy means you never wait for anything especially not support.


As a final thought ask yourself the next time you buy anything, “do you care about me when I buy this product or do you just care about the price tag”

When you are ready to take your Apple experience to another level contact us